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What Is A Stasis Theory?

Being an author of some piece of content, your job doesn’t lie only in creating professional, easy-to-read, and understanding content. You should make sure that all information that you use in your paper is accurate and reliable. That’s why you are supposed to conduct detailed research. Many people like performing research as they recognize it as a great way to find out something new and enhance problem-solving skills. Unfortunately, not all students and writers know what to start with and feel confused, especially when working in teams. But there is no need to give up as a nice solution called stasis theory is right here. If you do not know what it is or feel lacking efficient information, then this article will answer all your questions. But first, let’s state the definition of a stasis theory.

A stasis theory is recognized as a rhetorical procedure to identify the point of issue in a particular debate. This notion was established in ancient times by Hermagoras or Aristotle and, since that very moment, was used by numerous rhetoricians and philosophers in the great civilization of Ancient Rome and Greece. The rhetoricians picked up a series of such questions that aim to examine legal cases. A series was arranged in a manner that the outcome of every next question depended on a previous one. A stasis theory comes with lots of advantages for teamwork, essay writing, and conducting research.

Subdivision of the Stasis

As a rule, during using stasis theory, the essay writer investigates and tries to determine:

  • Plan of action (policy): the sequence of the actions that may be applied in terms of the discussed issue.
  • Conjecture (facts): whether something has been done or not at a definite moment by a definite person.
  • The seriousness of the question (quality): the motivation of the issue and possible justification.
  • Meaning or nature of the question (definition): whether a discussed action falls under any definition.

It is possible to divide all these categories into subcategories and make the entire process simpler. Look how you can subdivide them into various questions for a more effective writing process, research, or teamwork.


To find out it, you need to answer questions like these:

  • Did anything happen?
  • What caused the event?
  • Is it possible to change it?

For instance, air pollution, does it exist? What are the reasons for it? Can it be changed?


The list of related questions includes:

  • What is the nature of the problem?
  • What type of problem is it?
  • What are various parts of the following problem?

For instance, can global warming be defined as climate change or something else?


Be ready to ask the following questions:

  • Is it a bad or good thing?
  • How serious is a problem?
  • What are the possible consequences of the mentioned problem?
  • What if the problem can’t be solved?
  • What are the results of successfully solving the problem?

For instance, is deforestation bad? Who is affected by it?


To find it out, you are expected to ask these questions and get the answers:

  • Is it essential to take action?
  • Who must be involved in the problem-solving procedure?
  • What must be done about the issue?
  • What should occur to solve the issue?

For instance, is it necessary to discover a way to stop deforestation?

Different Approaches of Stasis Theory

In real life, this theory suggests concrete means to classify the type of argument that is often seen exactly in the legal world. Besides justice setting, it is possible to outline such common examples in which they can help:

  1. Heuristically. The way to work out the things for talking about a definite subject or topic. What is more, it may help the writers with argument development. For instance, you may ask yourself: “What questions may I come up with in terms of a definite topic, based on a stasis theory? “. Or, “Which stasis is it better to address closer to know my target audience?”.
  2. For critiquing other people’s arguments. Here you may ask yourself” “What stasis did the speaker choose or which one the author gave more attention to?”. “Were these choices successful or not?”

How to Use Stasis Theory in Research

As it has been stated before, essay writers can take great advantage of a stasis theory. It is an efficient way to collect more information related to a definite subject that will help the author finish the paper successfully and strictly on time. For instance, you are working on a certain topic. You can apply the stasis theory as it suggests preparing a series of questions. Next, you are free to use these questions to gather precise data and use it for writing the project.

It should be stated that you are supposed to use a variety of sources to answer the following questions. Among them are literature reviews, journals, databases, etc. Of course, a stasis theory helps you come up with efficient information for your paper, but it is not its only advantage. It can also be applied for the exploration of a thesis or argument.

Let’s imagine that you are working on a complicated essay topic and need to show your own argument in terms of a certain subject. Before it, you may use stasis theory questions to search the topic and come up with your own opinion. Moreover, these questions may help you determine the possible gaps. If you have no answer for some of them, it means you should do more research.


Stasis theory is a great option for people who are working in a team. It helps them reach a common consensus by generating and continuing the dialogue. To explain the point better, let’s take climate change as an example. While discussing this issue, some individuals will agree that it is caused by people’s mistreatment of the planet, while some would not. Using a stasis theory means that it will be possible to find something (e.g., common ground) that every participant of the discussion will agree with.

Despite that some people agree with human error or not, everybody will probably agree that this issue impacts the planet in general (fact), that it affects the animals badly (fact), and finally all will agree on the severity of the problem for the population (quality).

Consequently, all team members will come to an agreement on at least two of four categories. They will have the same idea about the quality and the fact, but they will have different opinions on the definition (who or what caused the climate change) and policy (what should be done in terms of the stated problem).

How Is Stasis Theory effective?

Even though all participants of the dialogue have different opinions, a stasis theory will be effective as it helps develop the discussion resulting in a well-written work. Without it, all people will probably only argue and will be happy neither about the workflow nor the outcome.  

Of course, working in teams is challenging, as all people are different and every team member has won the point of view. Still, it is significant to use arguments and work out the concept that will appeal to everybody. For example, you may include different reasons showing why humans are accused of climate change. As a result, the readers will decide what side to take.


Once you understand how stasis theory works, you will be able to take advantage of it in many spheres. It is beneficial for research as it helps the author get informed about the main topic, work out own opinion, and craft the paper based on reliable information. A stasis theory is also an efficient tool for teamwork. It helps create a single ground in different situations in which people have opposite points of view. Use the above-mentioned questions, and write down everything that you managed to find. In the case of stasis theory, it is significant to think logically and investigate the issue thoroughly.

However, if you have some difficulties with applying this theory and properly arranging key findings, it is recommended to get in touch with a professional essay writing company and receive an efficient solution to your challenge there. Both your time and effort will be saved while a good-quality project is created. 

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