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If you wonder why you need to order your mla format essay on our website, the information below will answer your questions. Find out what kind of perks and goodies you will get when ordering your paper on our website and make sure it is suitable for you.

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Leave the job of formatting essays to the professionals

Essay formatting seems to be the easiest stage of the writing process. However, so many students keep struggling with this stage of their essay writing. If you experience problems with your essay apa format, essay in mla format, or other formatting aspects, check this complete guide by BidForWriting and learn everything you need about structuring and polishing your college essays.

What an essay format is

A college essay format is a chain of guidelines that define the way you arrange each element of your paper. These guidelines refer to the structure, title, outline, and citations of your essay.

You should not neglect the formatting stage of your writing process because improper formatting can affect your grade. Pay attention to different aspects of your paper in the process of writing. BidForWriting has collected the main aspects you should pay attention to and always take into account.

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The main essay formatting standards

If you want your assignment to be well-formatted, check essay format standards:

  • The 1-inch margin on all sides of the page;
  • Single or double spacing;
  • Specific style and size of the font;
  • Page headers that contain information, including the name of the author, shortened title, etc.;
  • Heading, subheading depending on the requirements of a specific college essay format;
  • Numbers of pages;
  • Half an inch indentation.

How to format a title page of an essay

If you write an essay in apa format, your title page must be completed according to the requirements of this style. If you chose the mla format for an essay, then, respectively, your title page must be completed according to the requirements of the chosen format.

Let’s see the differences between them.

The MLA essay format

The mla format title of essay will look as follows:

  • Double spacing;
  • Horizontally centered letters;
  • The name of the educational establishment is below the top margin;
  • The essay is placed one-third of the page down from the top;
  • The font size of an essay is different;
  • The word “by” is double spaced and can be placed under the title (this word is not required in the mla format example essay;
  • The author’s name — the name or number of the course — professor’s name — the submission date.

The APA style essay format

BidForWriting recommends placing a short title version near the right upper corner of your cover page. Then place the page number. The short title comes first, and then the full title comes after a colon. The rest of the apa format for an essay is like in the mla essay format example.

Several lines down the title, there is the author’s name. The course name or number, professor’s name, and the submission date are written at the bottom of the apa essay format title page.

The Chicago format of an essay

The Chicago essay format example requires the following:

  • The title is a third of the way down the page;
  • Then goes your name and class information;
  • Subtitles go below the title after the colon;
  • Then goes the date.

Format of the essay outline

Before you start writing your essay, no matter whether you use apa format essay or an mla format generator for essay, BidForWriting recommends creating a decent outline first.

Each essay includes:

  • Introduction;
  • Main body;
  • Conclusion.

Let’s look at each of them more precisely.


A strong introduction is a key to success. Create a strong thesis statement and start your letter with a catchy fact, question, quote, etc.

Main body

Regardless of the essay outline format, your essay must have at least three paragraphs containing main arguments and evidence supporting your thesis.


Regardless of whether you are using mla format essay heading or the apa format for essay, your conclusion should not contain any new information. This is just a summary paraphrasing your thesis statement and summarizing the key points of your paper.


BidForWriting recommends paying thorough attention to your citations. Your success and grade directly depend on whether you cite the sources properly. Depending on the essay format, the ways of citing vary. Check the following types and peculiarities.

MLA format

The mla format essay citation style requires to state information in the following order:

  • Author’s last name and first name;
  • Title of the source;
  • Title of the container;
  • Other contributors, if any;
  • Version;
  • Numbers;
  • Publisher;
  • Publication date;
  • Location.

APA format

The apa style essay format requires the author-date method of your in-text citation. For example, (Winslow, 1997). This is how the last name of the author and year of publication appear in the text.

Chicago format

Unlike an apa essay format example, the Chicago style requires the following consequence:

  • Author;
  • Book or article title;
  • Newspaper or journal-title;
  • The year of publication;
  • Month and date of publication;
  • Publisher;
  • City of publication;
  • Access date;
  • Page numbers;
  • URL/Database name

Some examples of a proper essay format


Literature Analysis: The Taker




Use these guidelines by BidForWriting and complete your essay without any issue. Remember that professional writers know everything about formatting your essay.

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What is the standard format for an essay?

The standard format of an essay is usually the MLA style. It is a proper essay format for humanities and social sciences. For other sciences, other formats are required. A standard essay consists of five paragraphs, including an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

How can I format an essay?

You can format your essay using one of the standard styles, including the Chicago, MLA, or APA formats. There are other essay formats, as well. You should choose the essay format required by your professor. If you were not assigned any, pick the essay writing format you know the best.

What is Chicago essay format?

The Chicago essay format is the format that requires you to write an essay using 12-point Times New Roman font and double space. You can only make one-inch margins on each side. The first sentence of each new paragraph is a half inch.

What is MLA essay format?

The mla format essay style is designed by The Modern Language Association. The mla essay format requires you to make double spaces in your essay. The Times New Roman and Arial fonts are the most commonly used fonts in the essay mla format.

What is APA Essay Format?

The apa essay format is a very widely used format. It requires the Times New Roman font, 12 size, double spacing, and one-inch margins on all sides. The format also has its requirements towards the title page and citations.

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